Periodontal Treatments: Non-Surgical vs Surgical

December 20, 2024

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection and inflammation that affects the tissues and bone that support your teeth. Today we will discuss the different options, non-surgical and surgical, we offer to help treat gum disease.


Here at Summit Family Dentistry, our hygienists are on the front lines of treating the “periodontal disease battle.” After diagnosing the presence of periodontal disease, scaling and root planning is usually the first step in treating the disease. You may ask, “What is scaling and root planing?” Chances are you have heard it referred to as a “deep cleaning.”

periodontal treatment
  • Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical procedure involving the removal of hardened plaque deposits and bacteria below the gum tissue that cannot be accessed through normal brushing and flossing.
  • A Registered Dental Hygienist and Periodontal Specialist are typically the providers who render this type of treatment. They are able to access the area below the gum tissue four millimeters and deeper.
  • It is very common to set up two separate appointments for treatment to the right side in one appointment and the left side at the other appointment (or vice versa). We recommend keeping appointments close in succession due to re-population of the bad bacteria that causes the disease.
  • We have a plethora of comfort options for you to choose from to keep you relaxed throughout your treatment such as: Netflix, Pandora, Blankets, and Noise-cancelling headphones. Be sure to discuss these options with your hygienist.


In some cases, depending on the severity of the case, a surgical approach may be necessary. Prior to scheduling, patients will have a consultation with a Periodontist in order to determine the best approach for the patient. Some Treatments Include:

  • Pocket Depth Reduction- a surgical process in which the gum tissue is opened in order to remove toxins, hard deposits, and infection. Then, the gum tissue is “tightened” to reduce the space between the teeth and gums.
  • Bone Grafting- this is done after the bone has decayed due to the disease. The Periodontist will place bone grafting material, a membrane or a tissue-stimulating protein, in order to encourage regeneration of the bone.
  • Other treatments and procedures include, but not limited to, the extraction of the tooth (or teeth) and implants.

The different treatment procedures we have discussed are the most common options a Periodontist will diagnose. The biggest take away here is that when diagnosed with periodontal disease, we have your best interest in mind for a healthier and more functional smile. It’s important to have all the information and options presented to you in order for you to make the most sound decision.Have you been diagnosed with Periodontal disease or think you may have it? Give our office a call at 303-625-7997 to get a treatment plan for a healthier smile.Written By: Nina Otero, Hygienist

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