The Truth About Dental Anxiety
Dental anxiety is a real thing! Studies show that up to 60% of people have anxiety about going to the dentist, and 5-10% of them have dental phobia – a recognized mental disorder. Dental anxiety causes varying degrees of fear which manifests itself in general nervousness, avoidance, dread, sleeplessness and sometimes actual feelings of panic upon entering the dentist’s office. People with dental phobia have escalated acute fear that immobilizes them, causes them to hyperventilate or be sick to their stomach, they illogically equate a dental visit with trauma or even death. While actual dental phobia is rare, having some trepidation around visiting the dentist is normal. Many people simply aren’t comfortable with someone getting in their “bubble” – the area around their head and body considered personal space. In reality, dentists and their assistants cannot do their job without being in your face. But they sure can make it less threatening and invasive.